How We're Replacing SEO Experts with AI

SEO is no longer about fixed formulas, it's a lot more than that. It's tough to take care of everything alone. Let's talk about how GetBotz is trying to be your best friend

How We're Replacing SEO Experts with AI

Have you read our article about Blog Automation with GetBotz? If not, read it first, as this is the second part of the same.

In summary - at GetBotz we're letting our botz replace the complete cycle of content writing from Finding keyword opportunities -> Article ideas -> writing brief -> writing article -> adding images -> SEO meta -> publish.

With open access to GPT-3 ( And GPT-4 soon ) - everyone wants to launch their AI writer for automation. Nope, nothing wrong with that. But if you're building a business, where your main data provider ( OpenAI ) is focusing on the same features as yours - You're in the wrong game. 😶

At GetBotz we're not in the game of AI content writing - we're here to replace the complete blogging part with AI.

And the major part we're focused on is SEO. We believe that SEO is changed a lot in the last 10 years with Google's advancements in NLP - and we need to adapt to that.

I still see "SEO Experts" talking about how many keywords to add, meta optimization, and all that stuff. Nothing against them, but we need to involve NLP - if we're talking about SEO in 2023. Please don't hate me 🥹

Let's start with how we see SEO - and how we're trying to incorporate it into GetBotz Blog Automation. I'm sure you'll get some new perspectives on SEO.

NLP Keyword Clusters

We see keywords differently. We don't want to stuff the keyword in the title, H1-H2 tags, and all. We heavily rely on how Google sees the keyword.

When you find similar keywords around "car" with SEO tools, here is what you see.

Screenshot from Ahrefs Keyword Generator

So, you find it easy to rank keywords sorted by KD, put some filters around volume or words, and start writing.

Now let's say how Google identifies similar keywords around "car"

Google Related Keywords from

Can you see the difference? Google understands that "Honda Civic" is related to "car". You don't need to have "car" in your keyword to make it related.

You don't even need to have keywords with similar meanings. If you're writing about "Honda Civic", Google knows that it's relevant to cars.

We don't need to stuff "car" everyone in the article to reach the green score in SEO tools. It's just too much overoptimization.

Find out what you're writing on, find out keywords that Google thinks are relevant and use the relevant ones in your article. 🥳

Benefits - You can rank for multiple keywords + you're no longer forcefully adding your keyword everywhere.

So when we're identifying keywords for each article with GetBotz - it's all around NLP clusters.

Search Console Data

We love the data from Search Console. It provides a lot of insights about what to focus on next.

Just connect Search Console Data with Keyword Research & Google Trends - and you have the goldmine. Let me explain with some simple steps 👇🏻

  1. Find Webpages you're ranking for in Search Console and connect them with Queries you're ranking for.
  2. Connect all the queries by their meaning, and put URLs in the same map. You'll start seeing patterns.
  3. You'll see how Google trusts your website in some of the topics - and less in other ones.
  4. Fetch Google recommended related keywords for every keyword - and set it in the map again. Mark the ranking ones with Green, and lower-ranking ones with Red.
  5. You'll start seeing what is your strength, and what is your weakness. 🏆
  6. Now, this is a game of balance. You start focusing more on weak keywords to build strength in that area - but also keep pushing content in strong keywords to maintain the authority.
  7. Combine them with Google trends, and you'll see how some keywords stopped ranking because of the trend change. To explain this - When there is rapid growth in Google trends, old articles become irrelevant very rapidly. You need to update them.

And it goes on forever.

So when we ask you to connect your Google Search Console with GetBotz - don't ask me why 🤷🏻‍♂️


Oh, this seems very common. People don't want to read those boring, long paragraphs. Nothing much to explain.

We started GetBotz Blog Automation with similar output in beta to reach 2000+ words on every article - but with time, we found it's not working.

So we moved towards a completely new algorithm to write articles. The new articles are around 800-1000 words, but much better readable.

We started adding short paragraphs with lists, subheadings, bold-italic styling, and improved content consistency to make them useful for normal users.

If some person is asking for the best games to play - we don't want to start with the history of gaming just to generate long articles. 😅

And this is just a start. We're constantly keeping watch on Search Console data to understand which kind of article Google prefers, and optimizing our algorithms accordingly.

Authority Cluster

This is what we call our content distribution strategy. Even though when you deploy your blog, we ask for keywords - We still have very strong algorithms for what we're writing and when.

Topic Clusters - Image Source

We divide our articles in two types - Main content & Pillar content.

Let's say we're writing about "Best books on SEO" today, we don't stop there. Now after every few days ( or weeks ) - we push content around similar topics like "SEO Books for newbies", "Best SEO Strategy guides" and so on.

These articles build authority around our main article - because they will be ranking on almost similar keywords.

In simple terms, when you've more than one article "eligible" for similar Google queries, you slowly start building authority in the area.

And with time as the pillars grow, you'll start seeing some of the articles ranking in our criteria.

Definitely, it's tough to say which one - as we don't go too much pillar format like some experts recommend, instead we try to make each article rankable with enough information.

Let Google decide which one is best out of all - and let it rank.

Intent-Neutral Distribution

This is an interesting part. Let's go a bit deep here.

First of all - Clear the meaning of intent as taught by all the SEO Tools. It's just not about Navigation, Commercial, and all that 3-4 types. It's much broad.

Intent can be like How-To content, Explanation content, Review content, Experience-sharing content, Prediction content, Listicles and so on.

Each intent is targeting different audiences with different goals. And when we're building authority in some area, we need to take care of as many intents as we can.

I see bloggers making mistake around picking only one intent and pushing so many articles around the same. Like the whole blog around How-to Guides, Review articles, and so on.

Don't do that. It's artificial. No real human writes like that. A real author writes what is in his/her mind today. 🙇🏻‍♂️

So when we're deciding on article titles, we keep watch on the intent of that article. And we want to make sure we're pushing enough into every intent.

I can still go on about how we see SEO, and how we're trying to let machines handle this. Because a human can't do everything alone.

I might release another part on blog automation next month. Let's see.

And yes, want to utilize our Blog Automation without any monthly cost? We're looking to onboard 5 users on our Blog Automation with Lifetime Deal - US $1499 per Blog. Interested? Drop us a message on GetBotz. First come first serve.

Stay connected and make sure to subscribe for interesting insights ❤️